Tuesday, August 18, 2009

New Moon Abundance Checks!

Here we are again at new moon... a blessed time to write out our hearts desires and checks to match. visit http://dakara.com/newmoon.html for details on how to write out the abundance checks.

I feel that this new moon is a catalyst. We are now done with the 3 in row eclipses that have for me and I am sure you, brought up some interesting and intense energies.

Ride the wave... that is what I have been telling myself. The new moon on August 20, 2009 at 3:02 am PDT feels to me to be a new beginning after the release of what the eclipses brought up. Are you ready? I know I am.

Clear you mind and heart, write out any residue and burn the list. Create space in your heart and mind to joyfully attract your hearts desires! A new dawn is coming, BE PEACE, and KNOW that all that you truly desire is already here, it is time to move into the vibration to match it!
